This is what i had originally coded a few days back to get a part of the page working.

FForm.prototype._showBreadcrumbs = function( ) {
    var ster = " ";
    if ( window.CollegeName === "" || typeof(CollegeName) === "undefined" ){
        ster = " " ;
    else if ( window.CollegeName !== "" ){
        ster = "You are writing a review for "+CollegeName;

    if ( window.CourseName === "" || typeof(CourseName) === "undefined" ){
    else if ( window.CollegeName !== "" ){
        ster = "You are writing a review for "+CourseName + " in "+CollegeName ;

    if ( window.MajorName === "" || typeof(MajorName) === "undefined" ){
    else if ( window.MajorName !== "" ){
        ster = "You are writing a review for "+CourseName + " in "+MajorName +" in "+ CollegeName  ;


However since i had to convert this to angular, the code became

<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <span ng-show="CollegeName" >You are writing a review for<span/> 
  <span ng-show="CourseName"  >{% ng CourseName %} in </span>
  <span ng-show="MajorName"   >{% ng MajorName %} in </span>
  <span ng-show="CollegeName" >{% ng CollegeName %}.</span>

AngularJS’s 2 way binding really makes things easy for developers.